Monday, 27 April 2020

Week 3 Term 2 Notices

We hope you had a lovely long weekend. 
We are so lucky with this weather so we can get outside to play and exercise. 
This week is a shorter week. 
Tomorrow is a teacher only day, this is so teachers can prepare
the classrooms to work with social distancing. 
Online learning will be posted again on Wednesday, so a short week. 

Once again thank you to all the families for supporting your children on this journey
we are taking. We understand it is difficult, especially with our young ones! 
As teachers, we are missing the children and last week it was great to connect with a
large group in our video chat, we think it worked well and will invite families to join us
again this week.

We also love seeing what the children are up to so thank you to all who are posting pictures
and stories on Educa or sending us emails with what the children have been up to. 
Remember there is so much learning that can happen in everyday life just with
about what you are doing or allowing children to help cook dinner, bake, decide where a walk
may take the family, or just playing with their toys.

A reminder of our weekly timetable during the online learning period:
Wednesday - Reading Focus

Thursday - Writing Focus

Friday - Poem

Bingo Board - a choice of nine activities that you can do with your children throughout the
week. These cover a range of curriculum areas which reflect the play provocations that
we do in Kakano during normal class times.

RE - Our focus for RE this week is Sacraments. This week if you could send a photo of your
child’s Baptism and talk to them about their special day.  We will form a special display with
these photos when we return to school. 
Maths - We will set up a problem and some games for the children to work on for the week.

Just remember you are doing an amazing job with your children and please let us know if you
require any help! 
Sany-Joy and Lorraine will be returning to school to support the children returning and
Sara will be posting work on Educa for the children. 
We are all still available during normal school hours.
It is a good idea to reach us via email first and we can give you a call if needed.

Thank you again for all of your help. 

We hope that you have another great week.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Week 2 Term 2

Welcome to another week of online learning.
Thank you to all of the families for supporting your children throughout these times.
We understand it is difficult, especially with our young ones!
We really appreciate all of the great parent stories uploaded onto Educa
and have been tracking all of the students on Lexia.
Some of you would have received your Lexia Superstar awards via Educa too!!

There has been some talk of reopening schools at Level 3.
Please be assured that as soon as a decision is made we will
let our whole school community know.

A reminder of our weekly timetable during the online learning

Monday/Wednesday - Reading Focus

Tuesday/Thursday - Writing Focus

Friday - Poem

Bingo Board - a choice of nine activities that you can do with your children
throughout the week.
These cover a range of curriculum areas which reflect the play
provocations that we do in Kakano during normal class times.

RE - Our focus for RE this week is Holiness.
We have included some activities that you can do with your children.

Maths - We will set up a problem and some games
for the children to work on for the week.

Please let us know if you require any help!
The teachers are all available during normal school hours.
It is a good idea to reach us via email first and we can give you
a call if needed.

Thank you again for all of your help. 

We hope that you have another great week.

Friday, 17 April 2020

What has been happening this week?

Wow!  What a fabulous first week we have had.  It has been absolutely wonderful video chatting with the children and I look forward to touching with everyone at the start of next week.

I will be hosting a couple of group chats for children to connect with their friends next Thursday.  I will send out more information about this closer the time.

Thank you to the parents who have been posting photos and videos of children's work on Educa.  It is great to see what they have been up to and the sorts of activities they are enjoying.

Check out what some children have been up to (you can share these videos and photos with your children at home; it is nice for them to see what their friends have been doing)

Braxton and Jerome both made awesome Lego Ziplines

Lauren and Zoe shared their reading and writing activities with Mrs Mines, they worked hard to draw the pictures and share their work with Mrs Mines.

Marc did a great job of writing his name using things he found in his garden.

Over the next week I will keep up to date with Lexia and Maths Whizz, the children who earn certificates will be sent them through Educa or parents email.  Remember we recommend children spend 15mins a day on each of these online programmes.

Reading Logs:
The Holiday reading logs are due today, please fill in the stories you have read to your child and the books they have read to you, and email these to me by the end of the day.  If you need a copy of the Reading Log please email me and I will send you one.

Thank you for your wonderful support of our Home Learning tasks, please remember I am here if you need guidance, advice or any sort of help.  Send me an email and I will answer ASAP.   Have a great weekend.

Monday, 13 April 2020

Term 2 Week 1 Notices

Welcome back to Term 2 2020. 
I hope you all had a lovely and restful Easter break filled with delicious
Easter treats as well as some prayer time as we remember the true meaning of

It’s a wee bit different this term - we have had to make some changes. 
This term our concept is ADAPTABILITY - how and why do things change.
We will send a Bingo Board of activities for you each week. 
It is not expected that you will complete ALL activities every week.
Have a go at 3-4 during the week and be sure to share some of your
learning to Educa.  

Learning activities will be posted to Educa for you and your child to access. 
The class blog will be used to share nuts and bolts information with parents
and to celebrate home learning success. 
Teachers will be contacting students over the next little while.
We want to touch base, see how you are going and how we can help. 
If you have any questions or queries check the blog/Educa and then email
your class teacher. We are here to help. 

Monday and Wednesday are reading focus days. 
On Tuesday and Thursday, we will focus on writing.
We will send home some little activities and ideas for you to use the
reading resources we sent home at the end of Term 1. 
You will also receive ideas about how to encourage your child to write at home.
Lexia will be used to support their literacy development. 
We don’t want to see children on Lexia for more than 15 minutes a day.
Our children learn better through real-world play and activity.

We will include a maths challenge in the bingo board of activities each week. 
You also have Maths-Whizz to support maths learning and development.
Again, we don’t want to see kids on Maths-Whizz for more than 15 minutes a day.
There are many play activities that encourage and develop maths thinking. 

We miss all of the beautiful smiling faces of our Kakano students.
Hopefully it won't be too long before we can all be together again at school. 
Please, let us know if you need any support or guidance.
We look forward to working alongside you in this unusual learning adventure. 

Week 10

This week is the final week of the 2020 school year.  It has been a year filled with many new learning opportunities.  We have loved watchin...