Te vaiaho o te gagana Tokelau
Mālo ni,
This week is Tokelau Language week.
We hope all the Kakano children and families enjoyed the long weekend and beautiful weather at times!
Wow week 3 already!
Thank you to the families that could make it to our Kakano 5 assembly on Friday. The children did such a great job and made me so proud.
Last week we had lots of children away sick with similar illnesses, fever, headaches, cough and runny nose. If your child is unwell please keep them at home and let the school know that they will be away.
On Friday our Young Vinnies had a Loud Shirt Day supporting the Hearing Association. We managed to raise $200 so thank you for your support for this.
Our Rosary continues this week with Kakano leading us in prayer.
Kakano 4, 7 and 8 are swimming this week so please remember togs and towels.
Library visits continue this week so please ensure your children bring their books back in time for their visits.
Tuesdays - Peter Pan Dance rehearsals continue and we are very impressed with how well the Kakano children have practiced and remembered their tick tock dance choreography.
In terms 4 and 1 it is compulsory for the children to wear the blue school bucket hat in the playground. From this week the children will be using the no hat, no play rule, the children without a school hat will have to sit in the shade outside the classroom during playtimes.
Hats can be purchased through the school app, website or from the uniform shop. Please name your childs hat.
Working Bee
We intend to have a working bee on the third Saturday after the holidays, October 31st. There are a number of jobs that need to be done. We are always amazed at the support we get from you, so thank you in anticipation. Children are welcome and we will have a BBQ lunch. For catering purposes please let the office know if you can assist, even if it is just for an hour or two.
Sausage Sizzle and Juicie Day - Fridays - $1.50 each item.
Some important dates for next term:
28th October : Junior Tough Guy
Saturday 31st October: School Working Bee
Monday 2nd November: Totara and Kahikatea Teams Athletic Sports
Thursday 5th November: All Saints/All Souls Day Liturgy
Thursday 5th November: Incredible Years Parents’ meeting
Friday 13th November Teacher Only Day
Tuesday 17th November Interschool Athletics Meet
Thursday 19th November: JPC Orientation (afternoon)
Friday 26th November: Yr 6 Retreat
Sunday 29th November Weetbix Tryathlon
Tuesday 8th December School Production
Wednesday 9th December School production
Monday 12th December: School Tryathlon
Friday 11th December End of Year Mass