Sunday, 13 December 2020

Week 10

This week is the final week of the 2020 school year.  It has been a year filled with many new learning opportunities.  We have loved watching the children in Kakano grow into confident and independent learners.  Thank you to all the families and friends of Kakano children for the support you have given over the year.  We really do appreciate all of your help.  

The school year finishes at 12pm on Wednesday and children need to be picked up from their classroom promptly at this time.  


The middle school children are having a fundraiser on Monday and Tuesday to help a family within our community.  Ice Blocks are $1 and are being sold at lunchtime on both of these days.

Swimming this week: Kakano 5 and Kakano 6.

School magazines for 2020 are still available to purchase from the school office.  $10 each.

Food donations to St Vincent de Paul can be put under the tree in the office foyer.

This week:


Ice Blocks $1 at lunchtime 

11:15 Year 0-2 Tryathlon - everyone welcome 

Parents are welcome to come and support their child taking part in the tryathlon.  The children swim/walk across the pool, bike/scooter around the astroturf and run around the school field.  Children need to bring a bike or scooter, helmet, togs and towel, sunhat and t-shirt and shorts.

1:45 Children visit their new teacher and classroom for the 2021 school year


Ice Blocks $1 at lunchtime

9am School Prizegiving in the school hall - everyone welcome


11am Missioning of the year 6 students in the school hall - everyone welcome

12pm School finishes for the year


Monday 14th December 

9.00am - Years 3 - 6               11:15am - Years 1 - 2

What your child needs: 

Bike / Scooter & Helmet

PE Uniform


Togs & Towel 

        Signs will be put out on the day letting you know where each class is to put their bikes / scooters.

You may like to put something on your child's bike to help them identify it when they come into transition.

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Week 9 Notices

This week is a very busy week for our children.  Please read through the following information carefully to make sure you are aware of what is happening in Kakano.


School Production: Peter Pan

Wednesday 1:00pm and 6:30pm.

For the evening show children will need to be dropped off no later than 6:00 at their classroom.  The teachers will help them to get dressed in their costumes.  Children are to be collected by their parents from the classroom and the conclusion of the show.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact your child’s teacher.

We have released some more tickets for the show, you can purchase these from the school office for $5.


Student Led Celebrations: Thursday 10th December

This Thursday between 8:00am and 10:00am you are able to visit your child’s classroom to celebrate the wonderful learning they have been a part of this year.  During this time you will get to see what your child has achieved over the year as well as chat with the teacher about how you can continue to support your child over the summer holidays. A friendly reminder that this is just a quick chat, as the teacher will need to talk to many parents over this two hour block.


End of year Kakano Fun Day: Friday 11th December

Kakano will be having an end of year fun day at school. After Mass in the morning, we will be doing some fun activities altogether and will have a fish & chip lunch.

A timetable for the day’s activities

9:00 am - End of year Mass in the church

10:30 am - Children will go out to play as usual for morning tea time.

11:00 am - Swimming in the pool and fun with water pistols!!!

12:30 pm - Children will go out to play as usual for lunchtime.

1:30 pm - Fish & Chip lunch with a movie.

2:00 pm - Quiet Christmas activity in class.

What to bring

Please come to school in your school uniform as we are going to Mass in the morning.

  • Swimming gear - togs and towels.

  • Water pistols (if you have one, NO water balloons).

  • School sun hat.

  • Water bottle.

  • A small morning tea to eat.

  • GOLD COIN for our fish and chip lunch

Please note that we will NOT be having a shared lunch. The only food children will need to bring that day is their usual morning tea. The teachers will collect the gold coins and go to the fish and chip shop before lunch. Thank you for bringing in the gold coin before Friday. NO SAUSAGE SIZZLE orders on this day.


Your child will not be coming home with readers this week.  The teachers will provide poems and other small readers that you can use as reading with your child.  There are great resources for young readers at the public library.  The summer break would be the perfect opportunity for you and your child to visit.  If you have any readers at home please return these to school immediately.

Library Books:

The children have all received library books to read over the holidays.  Please look after these and return them to school next year.  All children will receive a Holiday Reading Log this week and will be able to start adding books they are reading and books being read to them.

Food Bank:

We are collecting food donations for the St Vincent de Paul food bank.  If you are able to spare something for a family in need please send it to school with your child.  They can place it under the tree in the school office or they can give it to their class teacher.

School Magazine:

We are publishing a school magazine again this year and this will be available during the last week of this term. At this stage there will only be 100 magazines printed. It will be a great memento of 2020. We sold out last year. Orders can be placed at the school office with the cost for the magazine being $10.00


Kakano 4, 7 and 8 will be swimming this week.  Please make sure your child has their togs with them each day.  If your child is unable to swim you need to notify the class teacher.   Please note with the school production taking place this week it may not be possible for each class to swim daily.

Thank you for your support, 

Kakano 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Teachers

Week 10

This week is the final week of the 2020 school year.  It has been a year filled with many new learning opportunities.  We have loved watchin...