Sunday, 13 December 2020

Week 10

This week is the final week of the 2020 school year.  It has been a year filled with many new learning opportunities.  We have loved watching the children in Kakano grow into confident and independent learners.  Thank you to all the families and friends of Kakano children for the support you have given over the year.  We really do appreciate all of your help.  

The school year finishes at 12pm on Wednesday and children need to be picked up from their classroom promptly at this time.  


The middle school children are having a fundraiser on Monday and Tuesday to help a family within our community.  Ice Blocks are $1 and are being sold at lunchtime on both of these days.

Swimming this week: Kakano 5 and Kakano 6.

School magazines for 2020 are still available to purchase from the school office.  $10 each.

Food donations to St Vincent de Paul can be put under the tree in the office foyer.

This week:


Ice Blocks $1 at lunchtime 

11:15 Year 0-2 Tryathlon - everyone welcome 

Parents are welcome to come and support their child taking part in the tryathlon.  The children swim/walk across the pool, bike/scooter around the astroturf and run around the school field.  Children need to bring a bike or scooter, helmet, togs and towel, sunhat and t-shirt and shorts.

1:45 Children visit their new teacher and classroom for the 2021 school year


Ice Blocks $1 at lunchtime

9am School Prizegiving in the school hall - everyone welcome


11am Missioning of the year 6 students in the school hall - everyone welcome

12pm School finishes for the year


Monday 14th December 

9.00am - Years 3 - 6               11:15am - Years 1 - 2

What your child needs: 

Bike / Scooter & Helmet

PE Uniform


Togs & Towel 

        Signs will be put out on the day letting you know where each class is to put their bikes / scooters.

You may like to put something on your child's bike to help them identify it when they come into transition.

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Week 9 Notices

This week is a very busy week for our children.  Please read through the following information carefully to make sure you are aware of what is happening in Kakano.


School Production: Peter Pan

Wednesday 1:00pm and 6:30pm.

For the evening show children will need to be dropped off no later than 6:00 at their classroom.  The teachers will help them to get dressed in their costumes.  Children are to be collected by their parents from the classroom and the conclusion of the show.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact your child’s teacher.

We have released some more tickets for the show, you can purchase these from the school office for $5.


Student Led Celebrations: Thursday 10th December

This Thursday between 8:00am and 10:00am you are able to visit your child’s classroom to celebrate the wonderful learning they have been a part of this year.  During this time you will get to see what your child has achieved over the year as well as chat with the teacher about how you can continue to support your child over the summer holidays. A friendly reminder that this is just a quick chat, as the teacher will need to talk to many parents over this two hour block.


End of year Kakano Fun Day: Friday 11th December

Kakano will be having an end of year fun day at school. After Mass in the morning, we will be doing some fun activities altogether and will have a fish & chip lunch.

A timetable for the day’s activities

9:00 am - End of year Mass in the church

10:30 am - Children will go out to play as usual for morning tea time.

11:00 am - Swimming in the pool and fun with water pistols!!!

12:30 pm - Children will go out to play as usual for lunchtime.

1:30 pm - Fish & Chip lunch with a movie.

2:00 pm - Quiet Christmas activity in class.

What to bring

Please come to school in your school uniform as we are going to Mass in the morning.

  • Swimming gear - togs and towels.

  • Water pistols (if you have one, NO water balloons).

  • School sun hat.

  • Water bottle.

  • A small morning tea to eat.

  • GOLD COIN for our fish and chip lunch

Please note that we will NOT be having a shared lunch. The only food children will need to bring that day is their usual morning tea. The teachers will collect the gold coins and go to the fish and chip shop before lunch. Thank you for bringing in the gold coin before Friday. NO SAUSAGE SIZZLE orders on this day.


Your child will not be coming home with readers this week.  The teachers will provide poems and other small readers that you can use as reading with your child.  There are great resources for young readers at the public library.  The summer break would be the perfect opportunity for you and your child to visit.  If you have any readers at home please return these to school immediately.

Library Books:

The children have all received library books to read over the holidays.  Please look after these and return them to school next year.  All children will receive a Holiday Reading Log this week and will be able to start adding books they are reading and books being read to them.

Food Bank:

We are collecting food donations for the St Vincent de Paul food bank.  If you are able to spare something for a family in need please send it to school with your child.  They can place it under the tree in the school office or they can give it to their class teacher.

School Magazine:

We are publishing a school magazine again this year and this will be available during the last week of this term. At this stage there will only be 100 magazines printed. It will be a great memento of 2020. We sold out last year. Orders can be placed at the school office with the cost for the magazine being $10.00


Kakano 4, 7 and 8 will be swimming this week.  Please make sure your child has their togs with them each day.  If your child is unable to swim you need to notify the class teacher.   Please note with the school production taking place this week it may not be possible for each class to swim daily.

Thank you for your support, 

Kakano 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Teachers

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Week 8

Welcome to Week 8 - It is going to be a busy couple of weeks so please ask questions or check this blog if you are unsure!

Week 7 was jam packed and we just love seeing what our Kakano students create and imagine in their play! 

 Week 7 Prayer leaders!

Practicing for Advent Liturgy


Peter Pan production:

Please ensure your child has brought along any costume requirements to their classroom teacher ASAP!

Peter Pan is shaping up well and we have had a huge uptake of ticket sales with Tuesday’s Matinee the only show that has seats available. Students are very excited! 


Letters to Santa!

Christmas  decorations are going up as we are now close to December and Mr MacMillan invites children to write to Santa Claus again this year and for those children who write a letter, they will get a reply from him. There is a Santa letterbox in each class and Santa’s letterboxes in the student foyer. The boxes in the student and main foyers are the official mail boxes. Santa is going to choose his favourite letter each day and the writer will receive a Santa snow globe!!


Advent Liturgy:

On Tuesday 2/12/20 we have our Advent Liturgy at 12.15pm in the church.  Parents and whanau are welcome to attend. 


Student Celebration Conferences:

More information to follow: - A special blog post will go out later in the week concerning this. 



Last week was the last week to return books and to get out a maximum of 6-8 books to take home for the school holidays. These will be expected to be returned to your child’s new class next year once school starts back. Please make a list of the up to 8 book titles your child brings home and try to keep them in a safe place. Any lost of missing books will be added to your school fees account next year. 


Reading books:

Week 8 is the last week that reading books will be sent home for homework as week 9 and 10 are very busy and we also need to do stocktake on all these readers. We will still be completing reading with your children at school during week 9 and 10, only books wont come home. Please get into the habit of reading with your child or get them to help you read a simple book over the holiday break to help their reading continue over the long summer break. 



Swimming is back to normal this week although might be interrupted due to rehearsals for the school production. As it is an even week only KAKANO 5 and 6 have swimming this week. 


Sausage sizzle and juicies - $1.50 each on Friday. 


School Magazine:

We are publishing a school magazine again this year, and this will be available during the last week of this term. At this stage there were only to be 100 magazines printed. It will be a great memento of 2020. Orders are taken now at the school office with the cost for the magazine being $10.00. Get in quick

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Week 7 Notices

What a lovely few weeks we have been having with the weather. The children are enjoying lots of outside play.  Please remember to pack a school sunhat each day we have the rule in term 4 and 1 “No Hat, No Play”.  Also it is a good idea to pack a drink bottle with water each day. 


No Swimming this week. Middle school has a swimming program running.


Tickets for the Peter Pan show go on sale this week.  We are performing on Wednesday 9th December.   Our children will do the matinee and evening show.  Please remember to bring in your child’s clothes for their dance.  They need a plain brown, green, grey, black t-shirt and shorts. If they can be placed in a named bag and given to the classroom teacher. Thank you to those who have already sent theirs in.


Important dates

Tuesday 8th School Production

Wednesday 9th November School production

Monday 12th December: School Tryathlon

Friday 11th December  End of Year Mass

Tuesday 15th December: School Prizegiving

Wednesday 16th December: Missioning and last day of term

Thursday 17th December: Teacher Only Day

Another busy week in Kakano last week



Enjoy your Sunday.

See everyone tomorrow.

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Week 6 Notices

We are now half way through term 4!!! It has already been a busy term and we look forward to the next few weeks filled with some exciting events. Thank you for the continued support with reading at home it was great to see all of the children’s improvements after a testing week last week.


No swimming this week! The seniors are using it.


Production practise is still happening at school. The actual production will be held in Week 9 on the 8th and 9th of December. The children are all very excited and the practises are going great.


Check out some of the things we’ve been up to in Kakano this week:

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and we look forward to seeing all of the smiling faces at school tomorrow 😀

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Week 5 Notices

Week 5 Notices

We have another busy week ahead in Kakano.  We have our dance rehearsal for the show with Mrs Trask on Tuesday and then we have a Teacher Only Day on Friday.  There will be no library time this week for children in Kakano 4, 5, 6 and 7 as we have Teacher Only Day.  There will be swimming this week for children in Kakano 4, 7 and 8.

This week we will be doing a lot of end of year testing with the children.  We aim to keep part of our programme running as normal but children may bring poems or other readers home with them as we will be working with the children individually over the week.  It is an exciting time for everyone as we see the progress the children have made.


Friday 13th November. Teacher Only Day. There will be no school on this day. If you need to enrol your child in the Glenholme After School Care for the day, please contact Mary-Ann Roling on 021 215599. She will be running this at St Mary’s. Thank you for your support with this.


Reminders for the week:


  • Swimming for Kakano 4, 7 and 8


  • dance rehearsal with Mrs Trask for all Kakano classes

  • Swimming for Kakano 4, 7 and 8


  • Swimming for Kakano 4, 7 and 8


  • Swimming for Kakano 4, 7 and 8

  • Library for Kakano 8


  • No school for children - Teacher Only Day


One of our provocations over the last week has been a science focus of magnets.  The children have loved exploring what magnets are attracted and not attracted to.



Sunday, 1 November 2020

Week 4 Notices

Welcome to week 4!

We were all very excited to welcome four new chicks into our Kakano class last week.  Our four new chickens are doing well and have been showered in love since hatching.

Kowhai and Tahi moved into their new home outside last week.  They love scratching around in the dirt looking for bugs and exploring.  It has been great watching the children talk to, and observe the chooks as they play.  Thank you to Mrs Thomson and the children for constructing the new Chicken House, you all make wonderful builders.



Reminders for week 4


  • Swimming for K5 and K6


  • Swimming for K5 and K6

  • Library for K8

  • Production Dance practice with Mrs Trask


  • Swimming for K5 and K6


  • All Souls and All Saints Day Liturgy - 12:15.  All parents and families are welcome to join us as we celebrate this special Catholic feast day

  • Swimming for K5 and K6


  • Swimming for K5 and K6

  • Sausage Sizzle ($1.50) and Juicie ($1.50) day

  • Library for K4, K5, K6, K7 - please make sure all children have their library books ready to return


Parent programme… this is a great opportunity and I highly recommend it.

PTA Meeting: for your diary - next meeting is Wednesday 4 November at 7pm in the school staffroom. Anyone is welcome to attend this meeting.





An internationally renowned, FREE, Parenting Program will be offered at St.Mary’s in Terms 1 and 2 of 2021. It will be presented by Erna Cullen, from the Ministry of Education and Corbus Venter, an Educational Psychologist with a passion for helping young children.


It is a 14 week evidence based program that supports parents who have concerns about their child’s conduct. If you feel like you need some help or want to understand your children better, this is a course for you.


There will be an information afternoon/evening held on the 5th November in the school library at 2.30pm and again at 5.15pm, for those interested in learning more about the Incredible Years' Parent course. Feel free to come along to find out more and have a chat to the convenors of the course or to sign up.


If you would like to register your interest for this course earlier, please email or phone Brigitte Holmes, our Learning Support Coordinator.  Mobile 0272121206


Important dates - add them to your calendar

Friday 13th November. Teacher Only Day. There will be no school on this day.

Thursday 5th November: All Saints/All Souls Day Liturgy

Thursday 5th November: Incredible Years Parents’ meeting 

Friday 13th November Teacher Only Day

Thursday 19th November:  JPC Orientation (afternoon)

Sunday 29th November Weetbix Tryathlon

Tuesday 8th School Production

Wednesday 9th November School production

Monday 12th December: School Tryathlon

Friday 11th December  End of Year Mass

Tuesday 15th December: School Prizegiving

Wednesday 16th December: Missioning and last day of term

Thursday 17th December: Teacher Only Day

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Week 3 Notices

 Te vaiaho o te gagana Tokelau

Mālo ni,

This week is Tokelau Language week.

We hope all the Kakano children and families enjoyed the long weekend and beautiful weather at times!

Wow week 3 already! 

Thank you to the families that could make it to our Kakano 5 assembly on Friday. The children did such a great job and made me so proud.

Last week we had lots of children away sick with similar illnesses, fever, headaches, cough and runny nose. If your child is unwell please keep them at home and let the school know that they will be away.

On Friday our Young Vinnies had a Loud Shirt Day supporting the Hearing Association. We managed to raise $200 so thank you for your support for this. 


Our Rosary continues this week with Kakano leading us in prayer.

Kakano 4, 7 and 8 are swimming this week so please remember togs and towels. 

Library visits continue this week so please ensure your children bring their books back in time for their visits. 

Tuesdays - Peter Pan Dance rehearsals continue and we are very impressed with how well the Kakano children have practiced and remembered their tick tock dance choreography. 


In terms 4 and 1 it is compulsory for the children to wear the blue school bucket hat in the playground.  From this week the children will be using the no hat, no play rule, the children without a school hat will have to sit in the shade outside the classroom during playtimes. 
Hats can be purchased through the school app, website or from the uniform shop. Please name your childs hat.

Working Bee

We intend to have a working bee on the third Saturday after the holidays, October 31st. There are a number of jobs that need to be done. We are always amazed at the support we get from you, so thank you in anticipation. Children are welcome and we will have a BBQ lunch.  For catering purposes please let the office know if you can assist, even if it is just for an hour or two.

Sausage Sizzle and Juicie Day - Fridays - $1.50 each item. 

Friday 13th November. Teacher Only Day. There will be no school on this day.

Some important dates for next term:

28th October : Junior Tough Guy

Saturday 31st October: School Working Bee

Monday 2nd November: Totara and Kahikatea Teams Athletic Sports

Thursday 5th November: All Saints/All Souls Day Liturgy

Thursday 5th November: Incredible Years Parents’ meeting 

Friday 13th November Teacher Only Day

Tuesday 17th November Interschool Athletics Meet

Thursday 19th November:  JPC Orientation (afternoon)

Friday 26th November:  Yr 6 Retreat

Sunday 29th November Weetbix Tryathlon

Tuesday 8th December School Production

Wednesday 9th December School production

Monday 12th December: School Tryathlon

Friday 11th December  End of Year Mass

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Week 2 T4

Everyone had a great week last week and settled back into school routines well.   We also welcomed 4 new children to Kakano. 

Thank you for having the children in their summer uniforms, please remember that the school polar fleece is an extra layer on cold days and they are not allowed to wear this in the classroom, hall or church, they can wear the knitted jersey though.


In terms 4 and 1 it is compulsory for the children to wear the blue school bucket hat in the playground.  From this week the children will be using the no hat, no play rule, the children without a school hat will have to sit in the shade outside the classroom during playtimes. 
Hats can be purchased through the school app, website or from the uniform shop. Please name your childs hat.


Last week Kakano 4, 7 and 8 had a wonderful time in the pool.  It is very warm so even on cold days the children were wanting to swim. 
Kakano 4 and 5 are swimming everyday this week so please bring your togs and towel.  Googles are not necessary but can be useful when swimming.

PTA Raffle Books

Thank you to our hard working PT for organising an amazing raffle this year.  Could you please return all raffle books sold or unsold along with money to school by this Thursday.  Thanks to those who have already sold the tickets and returned the money to school.

Loud Shirt Day

On Friday we are having a loud shirt day.  The children can wear a brightly coloured T-shirt and bring a gold coin donation.  The money goes to The Hearing House which supports and provides services to families living north of Turangi and the Southern Cochlear Implant Programme.

Working Bee

We intend to have a working bee on the third Saturday after the holidays, October 31st. There are a number of jobs that need to be done. We are always amazed at the support we get from you, so thank you in anticipation. Children are welcome and we will have a BBQ lunch.  For catering purposes please let the office know if you can assist, even if it is just for an hour or two.

Some important dates for this term:

Monday 26th October: Labour Day. Public Holiday.

28th October : Junior Tough Guy

Saturday 31st October: School Working Bee

Thursday 5th November: All Saints/All Souls Day Liturgy

Thursday 5th November: Incredible Years Parents’ meeting 

Friday 13th November Teacher Only Day

Thursday 19th November:  JPC Orientation (afternoon)

Sunday 29th November Weetbix Tryathlon

Tuesday 8th School Production

Wednesday 9th November School production

Monday 12th December: School Tryathlon

Friday 11th December  End of Year Mass

Tuesday 15th December: School Prizegiving

Wednesday 16th December: Missioning and last day of term

Thursday 17th December: Teacher Only Day

We hope everyone has a lovely week.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Week 1 Reminders

What a beautiful day we had today, the sun was shining and the children loved being outdoors playing and having fun.

Remember the children need to wear their blue school sunhat when playing outside.  Please make sure your child has their BLUE SCHOOL sunhat in their school bag.

It is also time for all children to be in full summer uniform, that means black sandals (boys and girls), blue polo (boys), grey shorts (boys) and the summer tunic (girls).  I know that we have had some chilly spring mornings but please know that the classrooms are always warm.

Tomorrow some of the senior classes are having a Bake sale, if your child wishes to buy a yummy treat for morning tea they can bring a gold coin.

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Term 4 Week 1

 Welcome back to Term 4!!

We hope you have all enjoyed the time off school and the children have rested well looking forward to getting back to their classmates and school routine! This term will be a busy one with production, swimming, and end of year celebrations.


Parents are welcome to come into school as has been the case in Level 2. 

(Please continue to use the contact tracing app and QR code placed at all three entrances). There will also be sanitising units at all gates. Please use them. We do however encourage you to drop your child at the gate as this gives students great self-management skills and independence, and enables students before school to engage more fully with other students and teachers.

There are no restrictions on numbers at gatherings, so you are welcome to come to our assemblies.

We will continue to encourage basic hygiene measures such as handwashing and use of sanitiser, cough and sneeze etiquette, regularly cleaning and disinfecting high touch surfaces.

Please keep your child home if they are unwell, or required to self-isolate.

FROM TOMORROW, start of Term 4:

In the mornings from 8.25pm there will be a teacher at the Church car park gate only. There will not be a teacher at the Ranolf or Carnot St gates. School will start at 8.45am. Please ensure that your child is at school prior to this. If for any reason you need to drop your child off later please make sure to come to class via the office and sign your child in.

Children will be permitted to play in the playground before school.

In the afternoon there will be a teacher at all 3 gates. There will be a pick up zone for parents to pick up children without needing to get out of the car in the Church Carpark.

At the end of the day school will finish at 3.00pm for all students, the ONLY EXCEPTION is that bus students need to leave class for the Ranolf St gate at 2.50pm.



This term we start swimming. CHildren need to bring their swimming togs and a towel. They can also bring their swimming goggles if they have them. Kakano 5 and 6 will be swimming every second week starting from Week 2 (next week).

Kakano 4, 7 and 8 will be swimming every second week starting from Week 1 (this week).


Holiday Reading

The holiday reading log draw will be this Friday at assembly!!! Make sure to return your FILLED IN holiday reading log by Thursday. Thank you also for returning the childrens’ holiday book packs to school.


Summer Uniform

Now that it is Term 4, the children need to be in summer uniform. The girls wear a different summer dress with black sandals and the boys a different pair of summer shorts with the blue polo and black sandals also. SUNHATS are also part of the summer uniform and the school rule is that if you don’t have a sunhat then you are not allowed to play outside so please make sure the sunhats are in bags!!!

Lots of parents have been in to sort out summer uniforms. Students are to start Term 4 in full summer uniform. Our Uniform Shop is open Mondays (8.30-9.00am), Wednesdays (2.30-3.00pm) & Fridays (8.30-9.00am) during term time. The girls’ summer dresses are currently only available from our school uniform shop. Please don’t forget children need to wear the school sun hats in term 4.

We also sell school uniforms via our school website. You can order and pay online and pick up your uniform from the school reception after you have been notified by email that the uniform is ready to pick up. Hopefully this will be easier for those parents who find it difficult to get to our uniform shop.

Working Bee

We intend to have a working bee on the third Saturday after the holidays, October 31st. There are a number of jobs that need to be done. I am always amazed at the support we get from you, so thank you in anticipation. Children are welcome and we will have a BBQ lunch.

Cake Stall


Thank you for taking the time to always read the blog notices! We look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Enjoy the last few hours of the holidays :)

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Week 10



It is the last week of school for Term 3!!  Students (and teachers) have done so well this term. Remember to keep your children to a bedtime schedule and eat healthy food so that we can all last the week!


We welcomed two of our little chicks out of the incubator on Friday (Teachers Only Day) and over the weekend. Mrs Thomson has been chick sitting them at her home. We are all so excited for the Kakano children to come and see them tomorrow morning!!! 


Mrs Thomson Chick Sitting.

The second chick born


There are exciting Peter Pan auditions this week and next term all of Kakano will get to learn a dance and song as part of the school show. 


There will also be School Sports Photographs on Tuesday.  Please remind your children that they need to bring their sports uniforms in a named bag to wear for the photograph only. This is also a good time to return any Winter Sports uniform items to Whaea Leanne, so make sure they are clearly labelled and clean if you wish to do so then.  

Sports Photos Schedule:

Kākano Y0-2 

12.30pm - 12.45pm

1.45pm - 2.30pm

Please note times are approximate only. Runners will come with a list of what teams are needed. Children then get their sports uniform and come to the hall to get dressed. 


PRINCIPAL’S MORNING TEA: This is on Wednesday for the children selected in each class. A letter will go home if it is your child this term. 



 Tuesday: Go For It!

Thursday: St Vincent de Paul LITURGY and singing.

Friday: Sausage Sizzle $1.50 / Juices $1.50,  Library for Kakano 4, 5, and 6.

FRIDAY is also the MINI MARATHON day and we have a number of Year 0-4 students running in this.



Have a lovely week everyone.


Nga mihi

Kakano Teachers.

Saturday, 12 September 2020


Kia ora - this week is Maori language a week Te Reo o te Wiki!  Keep your eyes peeled for video clips of the children learning and using Te Reo and waiata in class. 

Reminders for this week:

Tuesday: Go for It 

Friday: Teacher Only Day; school will be closed!

We have a lot going on in Kakano at the moment.

We are all busy caring for our little seedlings and are excited to see some have already sprouted.  You may have heard we are now all a part of the secret club called the Little Garden League.  The mission of our club is to encourage our children to grow and taste different vegetables.

Our eggs are not far away from hatching and we can't wait to see how many chicks we can grow.  We were very lucky last Friday to have Julian’s dad visit with a special light so we could see the chicks growing inside the egg.

Our play focus for the remainder of the term is Maths with a specific focus on Position and Orientation.  This will involve children learning to use the language of direction, make maps, follow instructions.  Some of the activities they will have the choice to be involved in are: creating, completing and building mazes, hiding and finding objects, Beebots (using robots in a maze), map making.

As always we have lots of creativity happening in Kakano, the teachers are always so impressed with the persistence and creativity of our students.  We believe that it is not the final product that is important but the process the child undertakes when designing.  Being able to create, design, and build independently without adult intervention is a valuable skill all children are capable of.  We love seeing how proud the children are when they share their precious works of art with the teachers.  Check out some of the creativity that has been happening over the past few weeks.

Week 10

This week is the final week of the 2020 school year.  It has been a year filled with many new learning opportunities.  We have loved watchin...