Welcome to week 4!
We were all very excited to welcome four new chicks into our Kakano class last week. Our four new chickens are doing well and have been showered in love since hatching.
Kowhai and Tahi moved into their new home outside last week. They love scratching around in the dirt looking for bugs and exploring. It has been great watching the children talk to, and observe the chooks as they play. Thank you to Mrs Thomson and the children for constructing the new Chicken House, you all make wonderful builders.
Reminders for week 4
Swimming for K5 and K6
Swimming for K5 and K6
Library for K8
Production Dance practice with Mrs Trask
Swimming for K5 and K6
All Souls and All Saints Day Liturgy - 12:15. All parents and families are welcome to join us as we celebrate this special Catholic feast day
Swimming for K5 and K6
Swimming for K5 and K6
Sausage Sizzle ($1.50) and Juicie ($1.50) day
Library for K4, K5, K6, K7 - please make sure all children have their library books ready to return
Parent programme… this is a great opportunity and I highly recommend it.
PTA Meeting: for your diary - next meeting is Wednesday 4 November at 7pm in the school staffroom. Anyone is welcome to attend this meeting.
An internationally renowned, FREE, Parenting Program will be offered at St.Mary’s in Terms 1 and 2 of 2021. It will be presented by Erna Cullen, from the Ministry of Education and Corbus Venter, an Educational Psychologist with a passion for helping young children.
It is a 14 week evidence based program that supports parents who have concerns about their child’s conduct. If you feel like you need some help or want to understand your children better, this is a course for you.
There will be an information afternoon/evening held on the 5th November in the school library at 2.30pm and again at 5.15pm, for those interested in learning more about the Incredible Years' Parent course. Feel free to come along to find out more and have a chat to the convenors of the course or to sign up.
If you would like to register your interest for this course earlier, please email or phone Brigitte Holmes, our Learning Support Coordinator. brigitteh@stmarysrotorua.school.nz Mobile 0272121206
Important dates - add them to your calendar
Friday 13th November. Teacher Only Day. There will be no school on this day. |
Thursday 5th November: All Saints/All Souls Day Liturgy
Thursday 5th November: Incredible Years Parents’ meeting
Friday 13th November Teacher Only Day
Thursday 19th November: JPC Orientation (afternoon)
Sunday 29th November Weetbix Tryathlon
Tuesday 8th School Production
Wednesday 9th November School production
Monday 12th December: School Tryathlon
Friday 11th December End of Year Mass
Tuesday 15th December: School Prizegiving
Wednesday 16th December: Missioning and last day of term
Thursday 17th December: Teacher Only Day
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