Sunday, 24 May 2020

Week 7 Notices

We all had such a lovely week back at school with the children, it was great to see so many smiling faces and to hear their laughter as they played with their friends.

This week is Samoan Language week, we plan to celebrate this by learning a new song and learning about Samoan culture and art.

A reminder that all children need
wear correct winter uniform.  

The children were so proud of their new independence being able to walk into school and complete their morning jobs on their own.  It was wonderful to see children taking responsibility for their own things and their learning.  Being able to self-manage is such an important skill and the children in Kakano are developing this essential life skill each and every day.

We continue to clean and use the hand sanitiser regularly.  We have had small groups of children who have taken on the task of making sure all the tables are wiped down throughout the day.

If you have not yet returned the pack of school readers your child took home at the start of Lockdown can you please pop these into your child’s bag ASAP.  We are wanting to have all resources returned by the end of this week.

We have had a few school jerseys go missing this week, can you please check that your child’s winter uniform is clearly named and that the uniform your child has is their own.  It is very common for 5-year-olds to pick up someone else’s jersey without realising it is not their own.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and we will see you tomorrow :-)

Kakano Teachers

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Week 6 - Welcome back to School

Yahoo we can be back at school!

To start we want to thank all the parents and whanau who have supported their children with the work we have provided.  We have loved seeing all the posts on Edcua about all the adventures you have completed throughout lockdown.  You have all done an amazing job. You have deserved a well-earned coffee break.

We are ready for the start on Monday and have set up sanitiser stations in the classrooms along with soap dispensers and paper towels. Staff will be ensuring that door handles, hard surfaces, and class equipment will be sanitised periodically throughout the day. All the classrooms have been cleaned over the lockdown period.  At Level 2 the message is to send your kids to school unless you have good reason to keep them home. So the message is clear: Send your kids back to school.

We do ask that if your child is unwell that you do not send them to school. It is important that your child has totally recovered before they are sent back to school. It is expected that a child would be away for at least 48 hours if they have been unwell. Also if your child becomes unwell at school the office will notify you and you will need to collect ASAP.

What will school look like under Alert Level 2?
Drop off 8:45-9:00 
We encourage parents to drop their children at the gate and not enter the school grounds. Parents are advised they must not enter any classrooms. If you need to contact your child’s teacher please email, text or a written message can come with your child.
Any students who come to school after 9am will need to come in via the Carnot Street entrance and be accompanied by an adult when they report to the School Office.
Pickup 2:30-2:45
You can collect your child from the classroom at the end of the day, you will need to scan a QR code to enter the school or have your photo taken.  This is so the school has a record of who has been on sight for contact tracing. If you would like to collect your child from a gate please let us know what gate you will collect them from as a teacher will bring them over at 2:30 pm.

All children need to have a drink bottle as the drinking fountains are still not available to use.  
Pita Pit and sausage sizzle will begin this week.

All the teachers are so excited to have your children back at school on Monday. Learning will continue as usual within our classrooms.

The Kakano Teachers :-)

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Week 5

Welcome to week 5.  We hope all the Mums had a lovely Mother's Day with their children.

This week we will find out when and if we will be moving to Alert L2.  Once we have this information we will be able to let you all know when school can and will return for all children.  For now, we will continue to work online.  

Our Bingo Board challenges have a Technology theme.  Technology for 5-year-olds looks at how children can design and build different creations.  It is all about children having a go and making changes to improve their designs.

We continue to provide activities and ideas for reading, writing and mathematics.  Please let your classroom teacher know if you require support with any of the activities we set.  

It has been great to see so many children using Lexia and Maths Whizz at home.  Remember it is recommended the children spend 60mins on these online programmes for the week.  

Thank you to those families who are able to share the learning that has been happening at home.  It is a highlight of our day when we see all the amazing things our children have been up to.

Enjoy your week and keep an eye on Educa for video chat times and new learning activities.

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Week 4 Term 2

I want to thank all of our families who are supporting the learning at home, it has been amazing to see what the children have been getting up to and all of the learning that is happening.

This week in Kakano, 8 new children and their teacher, Mrs Susie Bye, are starting in Kakano 7.  Obviously, their start to school is different from the norm, but we still welcome them all to our Kakano family and can't wait to all be at school so we can welcome them properly.

This is how your week will go for "Home Learning"
Bingo Board: This will be shared with families at the start of the week and has a variety of different 'play' provocations you can do with your child.  The Bingo Board represents the play and learning we do in Kakano each week.

RE: At the start of the week an RE activity will be shared with all our families.  It would be great if you could share the RE work you are doing at home with your children on Educa.

Maths: Each day a new Maths game or challenge will be shared on Educa.  These activities are aimed to support your child's understanding of how numbers work.  Maths-Whizz is also a great online tool to use for maths.

Reading: Monday and Wednesday are reading days at school, and these are the days the teachers will share reading activities to do at home.  You can encourage your child to read every day at home, this might mean they are rereading books that they are familiar with or that you are reading a favourite book to them.  We know that when children read the same book they are practising reading skills and the more we practise a skill, the better we get.

Writing: Tuesday and Thursday are our writing days.  I have been so impressed with the way children are sharing their wonderful writing ideas.  Sharing our ideas is one of the most important parts of the writing process.  Lexia can also be used to support our reading and writing skills.

Poem: The poem each week aims to support children practise their reading skills and we will always try to add a fun activity to go alongside the poem.

What have our friends been doing:
Check out some of the learning the children in Kakano 5 have been sharing with me from the past few weeks:

Katie and her sister Sarah worked together to create a Volcano, they made a chemical reaction.  This was science in action!

Frida has been busy working in the garden, planting lots of seasonal vegetables.  She had to use maths to do this.

David loves doing Maths at home and has been practising counting on from different numbers.  I love how his face shows us that he is concentrating in the photo.

Lulian has loved practising Yoga while he has been in Lockdown.  Yoga is great for stretching our bodies and helps us to stay relaxed and calm.

Week 10

This week is the final week of the 2020 school year.  It has been a year filled with many new learning opportunities.  We have loved watchin...