This week in Kakano, 8 new children and their teacher, Mrs Susie Bye, are starting in Kakano 7. Obviously, their start to school is different from the norm, but we still welcome them all to our Kakano family and can't wait to all be at school so we can welcome them properly.
This is how your week will go for "Home Learning"
Bingo Board: This will be shared with families at the start of the week and has a variety of different 'play' provocations you can do with your child. The Bingo Board represents the play and learning we do in Kakano each week.
RE: At the start of the week an RE activity will be shared with all our families. It would be great if you could share the RE work you are doing at home with your children on Educa.
Maths: Each day a new Maths game or challenge will be shared on Educa. These activities are aimed to support your child's understanding of how numbers work. Maths-Whizz is also a great online tool to use for maths.
Reading: Monday and Wednesday are reading days at school, and these are the days the teachers will share reading activities to do at home. You can encourage your child to read every day at home, this might mean they are rereading books that they are familiar with or that you are reading a favourite book to them. We know that when children read the same book they are practising reading skills and the more we practise a skill, the better we get.
Writing: Tuesday and Thursday are our writing days. I have been so impressed with the way children are sharing their wonderful writing ideas. Sharing our ideas is one of the most important parts of the writing process. Lexia can also be used to support our reading and writing skills.
Poem: The poem each week aims to support children practise their reading skills and we will always try to add a fun activity to go alongside the poem.
What have our friends been doing:
Check out some of the learning the children in Kakano 5 have been sharing with me from the past few weeks:
Katie and her sister Sarah worked together to create a Volcano, they made a chemical reaction. This was science in action!
Frida has been busy working in the garden, planting lots of seasonal vegetables. She had to use maths to do this.
David loves doing Maths at home and has been practising counting on from different numbers. I love how his face shows us that he is concentrating in the photo.
Lulian has loved practising Yoga while he has been in Lockdown. Yoga is great for stretching our bodies and helps us to stay relaxed and calm.
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