Saturday, 27 June 2020

Week 12 Notices

We have made it to the last week of this term!! Thank you all for your hard work and support this term. It has definitely been one of a kind and we couldn’t have done it without you. The children have all shown resilience and courage throughout this term. Last week we tested the children to prepare for reports and student led conferences at the start of next term. It was so pleasing to see that most of our children have continued to make great progress in reading, writing and maths. Thank you also for handing in the children’s report forms back. A reminder that these will be filled in by us, the teachers, and sent back to you at the beginning of next term.

This week is filled with exciting end of term activities before a well deserved school holiday break!

Matariki soup

To learn more about and celebrate Matariki, we will be making a pumpkin soup during the week. At school we will be preparing the ingredients, cooking the ingredients, making bread and eating our soup with bread.

Bake Sale Tuesday

The middle school students are holding a bake sale at morning tea time on Tuesday. Please bring a few dollars to support them. The teachers will take the Kakano students over to ensure their money is handled properly and they get to choose a suitable baked item.

School photos WEDNESDAY

School photos on Wednesday. All students must be in correct school uniform. Girls will be wearing their dresses and skivvies while the boys need to be wearing their knitted jersey over their skivvy. No polar fleeces will be worn in the photo.

Principal’s morning tea

This is the termly event held with Mr McMillan where 3 students are recognised for their hard work or participation in the classroom and are invited to the morning tea.


Thursday night from 5:30 - 7PM! Children are to be dropped off at the hall doors and picked up promptly from the hall doors by 7PM. Entry is free however there will be a bunch of food and drink items to be purchased at the disco.

Holiday Reading Log

These will be sent home this week. Please record all of the books you read during the holidays and bring back to school next term. This will ensure your child is in the running for the reading log draw to win great prizes!

Finally a quick reminder that sausage sizzle/juicy day is on Friday. Library day is also Friday so please bring your old library books back!! 

We look forward to seeing you this week :)

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