Saturday, 29 February 2020

Week 4 in Kakano

A very busy week four
What a busy week we have had this week.  

On Tuesday we had Shrove Tuesday, we definitely used all the delicious ingredients up.

Wednesday started with Ash Wednesday liturgy in the church.

On Thursday we had some special visitors, The Vodafone Warriors came to school.  They talked about how they needed between 9 and 11 hours of sleep each night and said the children need more as they are still growing.  They also talked about drinking water and how it helps our body function.

What an exciting golden time on Friday.  For Golden time we made Candy Floss. We saw it change from sugar into soft fluffy floss.  

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Library time

We are loving our visits to the school library.  We visit the library every Friday.  We are allowed to borrow two books each visit.  
Can you please remind your child to bring their books so they can get new ones.

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Week 4 Notices

We hope you have had a good weekend, wasn't it nice to see the rain.

Shrove Tuesday is this Tuesday, the day before the start of Lent.  This day is also known as pancake Tuesday. We are going to cook pancakes with the children and enjoy a pancake or two at lunchtime.  We ask if we can get a gold coin donation from each child to go towards this.  

Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent. We will be heading to the church at 9am for Ash Wednesday Liturgy .  You are more than welcome to join us.

On Thursday we have a special treat at 10am.  The Warriors will be visiting our school.

No swimming this week.

We have noticed some children are arriving to school before the teachers.  It is unsafe for the children to be on school grounds with no supervision. Teachers will be in their class by 8.30am and we suggest you aim to have the children to school around this time.  In the morning teachers have jobs and meetings so can not be responsible for supervising the children until 8.30am. If you need care for your children before school please see Maryanne Rowlings, she runs the before and after school care at Glenholme but she drops off and collects our children.

Healthy Lunches:

It is great to see a rainbow of food in the children’s lunch boxes. A healthy lunch helps them to have a healthy brain and healthy body for school.


Brain Breaks:

Brain Breaks have been working well in the first block. Thank you for providing fruit for their brain breaks. They will be allowed to have chilled milk from school and a piece of fruit from their lunchbox. This helps them to keep their brains energised for learning until morning tea time.


A reminder that in terms 1 and 4 we wear blue school hats at break times outside as part of the school uniform. Thank you for making sure your children have their blue school hats at school everyday and named!  If your child has lost their hat there is a large pile of lost property by room 6 that you are more than welcome to check through.


Thank you for all the donations for Gala.  Remember to take them to the hall so our classes get the class points.  The class with the most donations wins a special lunch. 

Tomorrow is Mystery Jar day.  These are like a lucky dip. Fill a jar with exciting things the children will enjoy.  Here are some examples.


JUST $100 secures your baton for the night.

We have a limited number available.

Please contact Heidi Symon on 021 911 305.

Payment to the office by the end of school Wednesday 4th March 2019.


Gala Sponsors PLEASE.

If anyone/any organisation is able to assist with sponsorship this would also be appreciated. Please contact Heidi on 021 911305.

We look forward to another busy week.

See you tomorrow

Thursday, 20 February 2020


A reminder that tomorrow is our first school mass! Please bring the children to class at normal time and we will go over to mass after the second bell rings at 8:45am. Parents and families are welcome to join mass. It starts at 9AM and we can meet you there as there is different seating for adults around the school students. New students will be welcomed at this mass with rosary beads. Families are welcome to join them in this celebration 🙂

Friday is our library day. Bring library books back to school to make sure children can get new ones for the week. Library books do not have to come back to school everyday. They can be kept at home until Friday.

Today we celebrated a student’s birthday in our class!!! To celebrate birthdays we give the student a cupcake and a candle to blow out while we sing happy birthday to them. This is a special way for them to have their birthday recognised at school with their peers. Thank you for keeping other celebration food or presents at home for your own special parties. This way all of the children are able to have the same birthday recognition in our class and those children with allergies are able to fully participate in the celebration.

Lastly, a big thank YOU to all of the gala stuff that has been brought in!!!! Keep checking your blue sheet to see what gala items are being collected tomorrow and next week.

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Week 3 Notices

We had an amazing first full week in Kakano last week! It is so great to see how quickly all of the children have settled in and how they have already learnt the classroom and school routines.

Brain Breaks:
This week all of Kakano will be having a “brain break” halfway through the first block. They will be allowed to have chilled milk from school and a piece of fruit. Thank you for providing fruit for their brain breaks. This helps them to keep their brains energised for learning until morning tea time.

A reminder that in terms 1 and 4 we wear blue school hats at break times outside as part of the school uniform. Thank you for making sure your children have their blue school hats at school every day and named! 🙂

We are swimming this week!!! Please bring togs and towel every day this week.

Healthy Lunches:
It is great to see a rainbow of food in the children’s lunch boxes. A healthy lunch helps them to have a healthy brain and a healthy body for school.

Our first school mass is this week Friday. Mass starts at 9am so we will be heading over at 8:45am. Thank you for being at school on time to come over to the church with the class.

Our gala is coming up and the children have all brought home a blue sheet. Thank you for contributing to and helping with the gala collection. 

See you all tomorrow,

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Our week in Kakano

What a wonderful week we are having in Kakano.  The teachers are so proud of how well the children have settled into school life.  All children are arriving at school remembering to do their morning jobs and are happy to say “Goodbye” to Mum and Dad.

Morning Jobs:
Please remember parents it is important for the children to carry their own school bags, mark their roll and put their Bookbag in the right box on their own.  It is great to see our tamariki becoming more independent each day.  

Brain Breaks:
Each morning at around 10 am we have a “Brain Break” to recharge our batteries.  During this time the children are able to select one piece of fruit from their lunch box to eat.  Please make sure your child has fruit in their lunchbox that they can eat for their “Brain Break”.  The children also have the option of drinking chilled milk provided by the school.

Reading Logs:
Thank you to all those who have returned their reading logs.  These all need to be back tomorrow. The Reading Log Draw will be happening this Friday at assembly.  It would be great to have all children from Kakano return their logs.

Kakano kids hard at work:
Lots of children have been creating with the Lego.  We have had boat builders, rocket engineers as well as architects hard at work this week.

The Mo-Blo is always fun to play with.  We have been using our measuring skills to see who can build the longest Mo-Blo vehicle.

The “Family Room” is a great spot to hang out and use your imagination.  We have been talking, negotiating and working together to create our own imagined worlds.  We have even been using the vacuum cleaner to keep our space clean and tidy.

We love to read!  It is great to relax and read on our own or read with a buddy, where we can talk about the awesome things we see in a book.

We are so lucky to have an amazing outdoor area we can play in!  The sandpit is a great place to play, dig and create with our friends.  The water has been lots of fun to play in on these hot days, we love to pour and mix the different colours and experiment with objects that float and sink.

Sunday, 9 February 2020

Term 1 Week 2 Notices

Welcome to week 2! 

We all had a wonderful first day of school, it was so great to have all our children excited and eager to start the 2020 school year.

Thank you to the parents and whanau who sent their child’s school stationery to school on Friday.  We will be using the new books this week, it would be much appreciated if all children could please have their books at school.

It is still incredibly hot!  It is very important for ALL children to have a sunhat.  If your child does not have a sunhat then they will not be able to play outside.  St Mary’s school sunhats can be purchased from the school uniform shop or from The Warehouse.  A reminder to make sure all school uniform is clearly named, this includes sandals and sunhats!

Reading Log Draw:

Please, please, please remember to bring back your reading log before Thursday. There is a copy on the school website if you need it, but any piece of paper will do.  You can record books your child has read, books you have read to your child, recipes, instructions, brochures from places you visited... We would love to get 100% returned.

What’s on this week:
Wednesday 6pm - Hamilton Diocese Commissioning Mass.  Please see invite below. It would be great to have some children from our class present at this special welcoming Mass for all staff from Catholic schools.

Friday - Golden Time Tug of War in our House groups (we will let your child know which House group they belong to this week).

Enjoy the rest of your day and make the most of this beautiful summer weather.  I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning.


Thursday, 6 February 2020

Welcome to 2020!

Welcome to Kakano 5 for 2020.

I am super excited to be teaching your wonderful children and am looking forward to our first day tomorrow.

This is my 15th year teaching and I am truly blessed to wake each day and do a job that I love.  I believe 'happy children learn' and am always looking for ways to engage my learners in fun and meaningful activities.

Thank you to all my parents and students who took the time to attend our "Start of the Year" interviews.  It was great to see you all.  If you have any more questions please feel free to email me

Tomorrow for our first day of school we will be playing games, getting to know each other and having a truckload of fun.  Please make sure your child has their sunhat and that all their belongings are named.

Enjoy the rest of your Waitangi day and I look forward to seeing many happy faces tomorrow morning.

Sara Mines

Week 10

This week is the final week of the 2020 school year.  It has been a year filled with many new learning opportunities.  We have loved watchin...