Sunday, 23 February 2020

Week 4 Notices

We hope you have had a good weekend, wasn't it nice to see the rain.

Shrove Tuesday is this Tuesday, the day before the start of Lent.  This day is also known as pancake Tuesday. We are going to cook pancakes with the children and enjoy a pancake or two at lunchtime.  We ask if we can get a gold coin donation from each child to go towards this.  

Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent. We will be heading to the church at 9am for Ash Wednesday Liturgy .  You are more than welcome to join us.

On Thursday we have a special treat at 10am.  The Warriors will be visiting our school.

No swimming this week.

We have noticed some children are arriving to school before the teachers.  It is unsafe for the children to be on school grounds with no supervision. Teachers will be in their class by 8.30am and we suggest you aim to have the children to school around this time.  In the morning teachers have jobs and meetings so can not be responsible for supervising the children until 8.30am. If you need care for your children before school please see Maryanne Rowlings, she runs the before and after school care at Glenholme but she drops off and collects our children.

Healthy Lunches:

It is great to see a rainbow of food in the children’s lunch boxes. A healthy lunch helps them to have a healthy brain and healthy body for school.


Brain Breaks:

Brain Breaks have been working well in the first block. Thank you for providing fruit for their brain breaks. They will be allowed to have chilled milk from school and a piece of fruit from their lunchbox. This helps them to keep their brains energised for learning until morning tea time.


A reminder that in terms 1 and 4 we wear blue school hats at break times outside as part of the school uniform. Thank you for making sure your children have their blue school hats at school everyday and named!  If your child has lost their hat there is a large pile of lost property by room 6 that you are more than welcome to check through.


Thank you for all the donations for Gala.  Remember to take them to the hall so our classes get the class points.  The class with the most donations wins a special lunch. 

Tomorrow is Mystery Jar day.  These are like a lucky dip. Fill a jar with exciting things the children will enjoy.  Here are some examples.


JUST $100 secures your baton for the night.

We have a limited number available.

Please contact Heidi Symon on 021 911 305.

Payment to the office by the end of school Wednesday 4th March 2019.


Gala Sponsors PLEASE.

If anyone/any organisation is able to assist with sponsorship this would also be appreciated. Please contact Heidi on 021 911305.

We look forward to another busy week.

See you tomorrow

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Week 10

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