Sunday, 16 August 2020

Week 5 Notices

Welcome to week 5!  A reminder to you all that we are now in Alert Level 2, this means:

  • Parents must sign in at the gate using the Covid Tracer app if you are coming into school.

  • All children must be at school by 8:45 and picked up by 2:45.

  • Parents are not allowed into the classrooms.  If you wish to speak with your child's teacher please send them an email to arrange a time.

  • The teachers are cleaning surfaces throughout the day.

  • All children and teachers are handwashing regularly as well as using hand sanitizer.

  • It is expected all children will be at school unless they are unwell.

Home Learning packs:

Please return these to school with your child tomorrow.  We will keep them safe in case we may need them in the future.

Bread, Buns and Rolls:

Tomorrow we have bread available to families in need on a table at the church gate.  Please take what you and your family need.


Please make sure your child has returned their library books ready for our Friday visit to the school Library.  Unfortunately, we were unable to make it to the library last week and I am sure the children are eager to return their books and get new ones.

Friday Sausage Sizzle:

$1.50 for a delicious hot sausage and bread

$1.50 for a refreshing juicie

Have a great week, enjoy the rest of your day and remember to Be Kind!

Kakano Teachers

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