Welcome to Week 8 - It is going to be a busy couple of weeks so please ask questions or check this blog if you are unsure!
Week 7 was jam packed and we just love seeing what our Kakano students create and imagine in their play!
Week 7 Prayer leaders!
Practicing for Advent Liturgy
Peter Pan production:
Please ensure your child has brought along any costume requirements to their classroom teacher ASAP!
Peter Pan is shaping up well and we have had a huge uptake of ticket sales with Tuesday’s Matinee the only show that has seats available. Students are very excited!
Letters to Santa!
Christmas decorations are going up as we are now close to December and Mr MacMillan invites children to write to Santa Claus again this year and for those children who write a letter, they will get a reply from him. There is a Santa letterbox in each class and Santa’s letterboxes in the student foyer. The boxes in the student and main foyers are the official mail boxes. Santa is going to choose his favourite letter each day and the writer will receive a Santa snow globe!!
Advent Liturgy:
On Tuesday 2/12/20 we have our Advent Liturgy at 12.15pm in the church. Parents and whanau are welcome to attend.
Student Celebration Conferences:
More information to follow: - A special blog post will go out later in the week concerning this.
Last week was the last week to return books and to get out a maximum of 6-8 books to take home for the school holidays. These will be expected to be returned to your child’s new class next year once school starts back. Please make a list of the up to 8 book titles your child brings home and try to keep them in a safe place. Any lost of missing books will be added to your school fees account next year.
Reading books:
Week 8 is the last week that reading books will be sent home for homework as week 9 and 10 are very busy and we also need to do stocktake on all these readers. We will still be completing reading with your children at school during week 9 and 10, only books wont come home. Please get into the habit of reading with your child or get them to help you read a simple book over the holiday break to help their reading continue over the long summer break.
Swimming is back to normal this week although might be interrupted due to rehearsals for the school production. As it is an even week only KAKANO 5 and 6 have swimming this week.
Sausage sizzle and juicies - $1.50 each on Friday.
School Magazine:
We are publishing a school magazine again this year, and this will be available during the last week of this term. At this stage there were only to be 100 magazines printed. It will be a great memento of 2020. Orders are taken now at the school office with the cost for the magazine being $10.00. Get in quick